5 Quick Home Remedies To Remove Tan In Summer

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

In this hot summer with high humidity, tanning increases, but you can remove it with home remedies.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Let's explore 5 tips to do just that.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Lemon Juice and Honey: Mix equal parts lemon juice and honey, apply it to the affected areas, and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with lukewarm water. Lemon juice helps lighten the skin, while honey moisturizes and soothes.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Aloe Vera: Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly from the plant onto the tanned skin. Leave it on for about 30 minutes before rinsing off. Aloe vera cools the skin and promotes healing, reducing tan and soothing sunburn.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Cucumber and Rose Water: Blend cucumber into a paste and mix with rose water. Apply this mixture to your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing off with cool water. Cucumber refreshes and hydrates the skin, while rose water helps tone and reduce pigmentation.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Yogurt and Turmeric: Mix yogurt with a pinch of turmeric powder to form a paste. Apply evenly over the tanned areas and leave it on for 30 minutes before washing off with lukewarm water. Yogurt moisturises and exfoliates, while turmeric helps brighten the skin.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Potato Juice: Grate a potato and extract the juice. Apply this juice directly onto the tanned skin using a cotton ball or pad. Leave it on for 20-30 minutes before rinsing off with water. Potato juice contains enzymes and vitamin C that help lighten tan and promote even skin tone.