Dealing With Burnout? Here Are 7 Types Of Rests To Avoid It

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Are you feeling overwhelmed, emotionally drained, finding no motivation, and losing all hope in life?

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

If yes, then chances are you might be suffering from Burnout. Burnout is a condition of exhaustion caused by prolonged or repeated stress. While it can be seen in many areas of life, it’s mainly related to work.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

In this story, let’s have a look at various ways to overcome burnout and live your best life:

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Physical Rest: Lack of sleep disrupts your body’s energy. Hence, 7 hours of sleep is a must as it not only restores your well-being but also protects your health.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Mental Rest: Mental exhaustion is caused by too much thinking and other mental pressures. Make a habit of writing down your thoughts, and to-do lists, take a break from solving problems, and meditate.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Emotional Rest: Emotional exhaustion occurs when you feel like you can’t be authentic, due to job or societal expectations. Spend time with people you can be authentic or talk with a therapist.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Spiritual Rest: Being a part of something bigger, volunteering for social activities, or faith-based activities, brings peace and satisfaction, boosting your emotional and mental well-being.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Creative Rest: Take a walk in nature or watch the sunrise and sunset. You can also visit an art museum or engage in reading, painting, music, etc.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Sensory Rest: Today’s modern lifestyle is overstimulating. So, take a break from social media, turn off the notifications, limit video meetings, and relax in an ambient environment with soothing music, candles, etc.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Social Rest: Here, spend more time with people who give you positive energy and schedule a solitude time to connect with yourself.