5 Foods That Boost Nutrition Through Boiling

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Did you know there are numerous foods that become more nutritious when boiled?

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Let's take a look at this list of foods.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Spinach: Boiling spinach helps break down oxalic acid, which can inhibit the absorption of calcium and iron. This process increases the availability of these nutrients for your body.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Tomatoes: Cooking tomatoes, such as boiling them to make sauces or soups, releases more lycopene, a powerful antioxidant. Lycopene absorption is enhanced when tomatoes are heated.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Potatoes: Boiling potatoes with their skin on preserves their vitamin C content, as compared to baking or frying. Plus, boiling makes the starches more digestible.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Legumes (Beans and Lentils): Boiling legumes breaks down complex carbohydrates and proteins, making them easier to digest. It also reduces antinutrients like lectins and phytic acid, which can interfere with mineral absorption.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

Carrots: Boiling carrots softens their cell walls, which can enhance the availability of beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A. This nutrient becomes more bioavailable when carrots are cooked.

Author: Soumya Prakash Pradhan | Credit: Canva

These foods demonstrate how boiling can improve nutrient absorption and digestibility, making them healthier choices when prepared in this way.