5 Morning Exercises To Supercharge Your Energy And Loosen Up The Body

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

One of the best things you can do for your body is to make the habit of doing exercises in the morning.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

A user named ‘Dan Go’ shared 5 easy exercise videos on platform X, that will help you kickstart your day with full of energy.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

While these exercises don’t take much time, let’s explore what are they and how you can do them:

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Downward dog-to-cobra exercise will help activate your chest, shoulders, and glute muscles. It also stretches the hips, hamstrings, and calf muscles. Repeat it 6 times for the best result.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/Dan Go

Bar Hangs not only improve your posture and decompress your spine, but they are also useful in improving your shoulder health and enhancing grip strength. You can do it for 1 minute or more.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/Dan Go

Plank-to-side plank combo exercise will activate your entire core and is helpful if your work includes sitting at a desk. You can practice it for 30 seconds per exercise.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/Dan Go

Crab Reaches are ideal to mobilize and activate your body. It also stretches and activates the lats, hips, and shoulders. Practice this exercise with 4-6 repetitions on each side.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/Dan Go

Complete your morning exercise with the Jumping Jacks that wake up your nervous system, warm up your body, and increase your heart rate. Perform this for 30 seconds to a minute.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/Dan Go

These exercises will release any tension or pain from the night before and will increase blood flow so that your brain can work better.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

While these exercises are good to start your day, it's always helpful to check in with a health expert before committing to any workout routine.