9 Top Movies About Ocean To Watch This World Ocean Day

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

World Ocean Day is celebrated on June 8 each year to protect, conserve, and honour our Oceans.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

On this occasion, let’s dive into the ocean full of entertainment with movies based on Ocean themes. Let’s start!

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Life Of Pi (2012): An Oscar-winning adventure, fantasy movie directed by Ang Lee starring Suraj Sharma and Irrfan Khan among others, tells the story of a young man who survived a sea disaster in the Pacific Ocean, trapped with a Bengal tiger in a small lifeboat.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Planet Ocean (2012): Explore the breathtaking world of the ocean with a team of international underwater cinematographers as they unravel the planet’s greatest mysteries, in this documentary movie directed by Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michael Pitiot.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Dolphin Man (2017): Directed by Lefteris Charitos, this documentary movie narrates the world of French free diver Jacques Mayol, capturing his transformative free-diving experience while providing an immersive depth into the aquatic world.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Captain Phillips (2013): A 6-time Oscar-nominated movie directed by Paul Greengrass and starring Tom Hanks, it follows the true story of the American cargo ship hijacked in 2009 by Somali pirates.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World (2003): 2-time Oscar-winning action-adventure movie, directed by Peter Weir, follows a brash British captain who pushes his ship and crew to their limit while pursuing a formidable French war vessel around South America, during the Napoleonic Wars.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Titanic (1997): Bagging 11 Oscars, this epic romance drama movie is directed by James Cameron and stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, featuring a love story between a seventeen-year-old aristocrat and a kind yet poor artist aboard the luxurious and ill-fated R.M.S. Titanic.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Open Water (2003): An adventure horror movie directed by Chris Kentis is based on the true story of two scuba drivers who were accidentally left behind in a shark-infested water after their tour boat left.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

The Perfect Storm (2000): A 2-time Oscar-nominated action adventure movie directed by Wolfgang Petersen, tells the story of an unusually intense storm capturing some commercial fishermen in the sea and putting them in mortal danger.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

The Abyss (1989): An Oscar-winning adventure mystery movie directed by James Cameron and starring Ed Harris, Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio, and Michael Biehn, follows a civilian diving team searching for a lost nuclear submarine and their encounter with an alien aquatic species.