'ATMA' At Bhubaneswar Railway Station To Help Contactless Passenger Checking

A designated place has been fixed for passengers to stand and after they show their ticket along with their photo ID, the images are scanned. The officials managing the machine can easily verify the particulars of the passengers’ tickets.

Automated Ticket Checking & Managing Access machine (ATMA) At Bhubaneswar

News Summary

The officials managing the machine can easily verify the particulars of the passengers’ tickets.

As social distancing has become a norm in the pandemic times, an innovative device, ‘ Automated Ticket Checking & Managing Access machine (ATMA)’ has now been installed at Bhubaneswar railway station with a view to reduce an array of contact procedures.

While maintaining minimum physical contact, the machine can easily check body temperature, face masks, ticket details and identity card of passengers from a distance.