9 Glimpses Of Nature To Behold Beauty Of Spring Like Never Before, Watch

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Spring on Earth is a joy to celebrate with fresh flowers blooming fullest, trees adorning new greens, and many festivals to welcome the season. However, the spring varies according to places around the world, giving us a memorable scenic experience.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

James Lucas, a nature enthusiast brings you such glimpses across the world, sharing pictures of Spring on the platform X. Let’s have a look:

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: Canva

Cherry blossoms with cats: When the Spring comes, Earth explodes to pink mesmerizing all humans and animals alike…

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Lake Como, Italy: Walk amid the wistful dramatic scenes of Wisteria, gracing the beautiful Lake Como, Italy.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Spring in Yosemite, California: Indulge in the awe-inspiring beauty of Yosemite National Park well known for its surreal waterfalls.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Spring in New Zealand: Step into the world of natural beauty of New Zealand filled with majestic mystique.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Chunda Valley, Pakistan: With a brief view of the rugged mountain range, Spring smiles widely on this valley, providing a lush green view of the whole nearby city.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Spring Time in the Himalayas: Witness the Spring weaving magic around the majestic Himalayas.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Saitama, Japan: Watch the Spring flow in the city lakes as cherry blossoms take the lead in Japan.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Hinoyama Koen Park Turkish Tulip Garden: Take a walk through the smiling waves of Turkish Tulip, in Hinoyama Koen Park, Japan.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: X/James Lucas

Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan: Roam along the horizons of spreading nemophila blooms at Hitachi Seaside Park, Japan, as the Spring knocks on the door.