Beat the Summer Heat with these 7 cooling superfoods

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

As the summer sun beats down, it's crucial to keep our bodies cool and well-nourished.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Here are seven superfoods that can help you stay hydrated and also provide essential nutrients to combat the heat effectively:

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Cucumber: With over 96% water content, cucumbers replenish lost nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, and K.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Watermelon: With over 92% water content, watermelon hydrates and protects skin with its lycopene-rich antioxidant properties from the harsh heat of summer.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Coconut Water: Nature's sports drink, rich in electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and calcium, aids hydration and prevents dehydration.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Mint: High in menthol and antioxidants, mint leaves cool the body and aid digestion.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Yoghurt: Packed with probiotics and cooling properties, yoghurt strengthens immunity and supports gut health.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Tomatoes: Rich in lycopene, tomatoes may help manage metabolic syndrome and prevent certain cancers while also providing a significant amount of vitamin C.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva

Berries: Packed with fibre, vitamin C, and antioxidants, berries protect cells from damage and combat heart disease and cancer.

Author: Poonam Singh | Credit: Canva