Reliving Childhood: From Spider-Man To Harry Potter, 8 Nostalgic Movies That Shaped Our Early Years

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Not all the movies we watched as kids stayed with us while growing up. There are a selective few movies that will remain with us forever.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit:

These movies not only made our childhood full of adventure and excitement but also stayed with us for life as a nostalgic reminder of our childhood days.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

So, let's check out these nostalgic-laden movies that accompanied us in our earlier days!

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Spider-Man (2002): A high schooler’s adventure with a newfound superpower where he becomes the town’s web-slinging hero, juggling through teenage, adventure, new responsibilities, and moral choices.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Home Alone (1990): The movie depicts the story of a resourceful kid who protects his home from burglars engaging in a battle of wit that reminds us that even the smallest of us can outsmart the biggest challenges with creativity and resilience.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Harry Potter (2001-2011): The journey of a teenage boy from a cupboard to becoming the legend of Hogwarts while battling evil, forming friendships, and living many magical adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Jumanji (1995): Two kids play a magical board game that releases people and a host of dangers from the board and it can only be stopped by finishing the game.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005): When two brothers played a magical board game, they were drawn to an intergalactic space adventure with their house travelling through the depths of space.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Jajantaram Mamantaram (2003): A young man wakes up on an island full of tiny people who ask him to save them from a shape-shifting monster with magical power.

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Baby’s Day Out (1994): The movie tells the story of a mischievous infant who outsmarts his kidnappers in a hilarious adventure reminding us that even the little ones can live the biggest adventures. 

Author: Supalee Dalai | Credit: IMDb

Taarzan: The Wonder Car (2004): When a teenage boy rebuilds his dead father's car, the car comes to life, becoming his loyal companion and leading him to a thrilling journey of friendship and more.