Bone and Joint Week: How to improve bone health? Diet, exercises and more 

Taking a proper diet is important for healthy bone. Diet should include lots of vegetables and enough protein.

How to improve bone health? Diet, exercises and more

Every year, first week of August is observed as the bone and joint week. The country observes National Bone and Joint day on the 4th of August. With the ever increasing incidences of road accidents and bone and joint problems in the ageing population, in 2012 the Indian Orthopaedic Association and the Government of India jointly agreed upon the celebration of this day to focus on alleviation of crippling ageing arthritis, bone weakness or Osteoporosis and sequela of road traffic accidents. 

Low back pain, knee pain and bone pain in the ageing population needs attention as the average life expectancy is increasing and more than 2 million such fresh cases are added each year. After the age of 50 years, it is very important for us to maintain good bone health so that old age related bone issues are avoided. As age advances bone loss occurs which need to be prevented to maintain a healthy bone.